I'm James Vera

Full-Stack (MERN) Web Developer

About Me

After completing the Full-Stack Coding Bootcamp offered at UT Austin in November of 2017, I worked as a TA for six cohorts of the same course. Now, as an Automation Engineer at Cloudsnap, I build "workflows", written in Ruby, which serve to transfer data between different ERPs and CRMs.

I'm interested in working as a full-time Front-End or Full-Stack Engineer position so I may continue growing as a developer, exercise my problem-solving skills, and improve my eye for design.

Outside of work, I enjoy playing boardgames, D&D, and Magic: the Gathering. I'm currently playing through Pillars of Eternity II. I've also started looking into getting an electric bike so I can get off my butt and explore the city. Leaning towards a MOD Berlin, but if you have any suggestions, let me know!

Projects I've worked on recently

(Hover over the images to see a gif)

The Deck Sculptor

React webapp for Magic: the Gathering that allows users to look up cards via a 3rd party API and intuitively organize cards into decks using React DnD. The app manages user’s data via Redux and Firebase.

Coffee Connect

Mobile-first MERN app made to help groups decide on a place to meet based on members' individual locations. The app uses Passport and Bcrypt to handle user auth, mySQL to store user/group information, and Firebase to handle to more transient data (locations, votes, etc)

Spell Tracker

MERN webapp for Dungeons & Dragons that allows users to manage characters and, for spell-casting classes, keep track of what spells they know. Utilizes Cheerio to scrape this site for individual spell data, saves the data in a mySQL database, and serves RESTfull API routes via Express.


React Native Android app designed for a highschool First Robotics team to tabulate various school's scores at events. Uses the First Robotics event API to load schedule data, saves game data locally via Redux, then syncs the data to Firebase.

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